Solubility of Calcium in Artificial Saliva Made from Golden Snail Shells for Tooth Remineralization
gold snail shell paste, calcium content, salivaAbstract
Caries occurs due to the unbalanced process of demineralization and remineralization. The golden snail as
one of the freshwater animals found in Indonesia or countries with tropical climates, has an important role
in the process of tooth remineralization. The golden snail shell has the potential to affect the
remineralization process because it has high levels of calcium carbonate (CaCo3). Pasta made from golden
snail shells is expected to be able to help the salivary buffer system by adding calcium carbonate for the
remineralization process.
This study aims to determine changes in calcium levels in saliva at treatment 1 hour, 4 hours and 8 hours
after the teeth were smeared with gold snail shell paste.
The type of research used in this research is an experimental laboratory with a pretest-posttest design using atomic
absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and bivariate analysis of data with the kruskal wals statistic test. The ethical
clearance of this research is from the Palembang Health Polytechnic
The results of the study concluded that the calcium in the paste made from the shell of the golden snail
(Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck) was soluble and absorbed as seen with changes in calcium levels at 1 hour,
4 hours, and 8 hours in saliva