Relationship Of Parent Knowledge With The Event Of Permanent First Molar Caries (study on first and second graders at Mojo VIII Elementary School Gubeng, Surabaya)
Knowledge, Parents, Caries, First MolarAbstract
Dental caries is the most common disease in humans. Caries can happen to anyone, although
it often appears in children or young adults. The first permanent teeth to erupt in the oral
cavity at the age of 6-7 years are the first permanent molars. The first permanent molars are
often affected by caries because of the large number of pits and fissures in the permanent
molars. The purpose of this study was to knowing the relationship between parents'
knowledge and the incidence of permanent one molar caries in class I and II children at SDN
Mojo VIII Gubeng, Surabaya. The research method used was cross-sectional to analyze the
relationship between parents' knowledge and the incidence of permanent one molar caries in
class I and II children at SDN Mojo VIII Gubeng, Surabaya with 47 respondents. The
research instrument used for parents’ knowledge is a questionnaire sheet and to collect data
on molar caries is a checklist sheet. The data analysis technique is the relationship between
parents' knowledge and the incidence of permanent one molar caries in class I and II children
at SDN Mojo VIII Gubeng, Surabaya by using the SPSS data processing application, with
data analysis using the Chi-Square test with a significant degree of = 0.05. The results of this
research found that there is a relationship between parents' knowledge and the incidence of
permanent one molar caries in class I and II children at SDN Mojo VIII Gubeng, Surabaya.