Parents' Parenting Patterns On The Independence Of Brushing The Tooth In Children With Physical Disability at SLB/D-YPAC Surabaya
Physical disability, parenting style, independenceAbstract
Background: Based on the results of the Debris Index examination in children with
disabilities at SLB-D YPAC Surabaya, it was found that the Debris Index result was 2.05 in
the bad category. The indicator of dental and oral health is the level of dental and oral
hygiene. Individuals with special needs have lower levels of dental and oral health and
hygiene compared to normal individuals. This happens because they have limitations in
caring for their own teeth. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of parenting on
the level of independence in brushing the teeth of children with disabilities in SLB/D-YPAC
Surabaya. Methods: This study uses a quantitative research method with a cross sectional
approach which was carried out at SLB-D YPAC Surabaya. The research subjects were 15
children with disabilities who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were taken using a
total random sampling technique. The data collection instrument used a parenting style
questionnaire and an observation sheet on brushing teeth. The Chi-square test was used to
analyze the effect of parenting on the independence of brushing the teeth of children with
disabilities with a significance level (α) = 0.05. Results: most parents of children with
disabilities at SLB-D YPAC Surabaya apply permissive parenting and most children with
disabilities at SLB-D YPAC Surabaya are not independent in terms of brushing their teeth.
Based on statistical tests, it was found that there was no effect of parenting style on the
independence of brushing teeth in children with disabilities at SLB-D YPAC Surabaya
(p>0.05). Conclusion: there is no effect of parenting style with independence in brushing
teeth in children with disabilities at SLB-D YPAC Surabaya